Case Studies

These are one-page stories that illustrate the types of issues Fiona Judd can solve for clients. They illustrate Fiona's ability to analyse options and provide choices. Click on the links to discover more.

Tom and Barbara - Will they have a the "Good Life" ?

Tom and Barbara are tertiary qualified professionals. Tom is 55 and Barbara is 48. They have two pre-teen children. They want to retire on $80,000 per year (net including NZ Super).  Can they save enough over the rest of their working lives to meet their needs? Does Tom have to automatically accept working to age 70? They expect inheritances. Are these their only hope for reaching their retirement goals? Should they be prepared to sell their dream home now or in the future? How much should they prudently save now?               

Is there "light at the end of the tunnel" ?

Penny knows she will be well off, but can she have the lifestyle she hopes for? Will she have money to leave to her children? She has no family trust and wonders if it is too late? She is concerned about how to prudently leave assets to her children should she die prematurely? Should Penny’s focus be just on her own needs or should she be planning longer term for the prudent provision of others?

Bill and Sue - a long life lesson in a graph

Bill and Sue were dairy farmers but retired 10 years ago. They have transitioned from farm to lifestyle block to town. They are in their early 60’s with two adult children. Bill has done some study and knows about bond portfolios and how they can be used to provide retirement income. However, like the Lotto ad “He feels like he needs something more?”. 

Can Bill and Sue find a prudent flexible compromise that lets them have the lifestyle they want now, knowing they are still doing the best for their children?       
Probability modelling provides us with the answers to all these questions. 

Selwyn and Michelle - business owners and building a parachute

Selwyn and Michelle have been business owners for 20 years and are in their early 50’s. They currently value their business at $500k but are hopeful of a final value of $1m when they are 60. They would like to retire at age 60 as they expect having grandchildren overseas. They have a very good standard of living and want this to continue after they have sold their business. They have taken financial advice and paid off their home mortgage by age 50 years. A year ago they started saving $3000 per month into a diversified “whole of market” investment portfolio. They have $50k as a “parachute” away from their business. They have family longevity as Michelle’s mother is still alive at 90 years and so they feel they need to plan long term.

They asked me: What is our likely retirement income depending on the varying final sale price of our business and our continued savings?